Come as you are. Take what you need. Give what you can.

What is Shades of Strength 

Shades of Strength is a non-clinical virtual peer support group specifically tailored for Black women+ who have had their lives touched by suicide. Our peer support groups provide a safe, confidential, and understanding environment where Black women+ share their experiences, listen to others, and build a community of others who understand their experiences.

How to Join

Click the button to receive the secure Zoom link to our peer support group sessions.

Shades of Strength is a program for Black women+ (women and people with expansive gender identities) between 18 and 35 who have had their lives touched by suicide. Young adults leave high school or college and enter a world where there is suddenly a resource desert. Without the services schools supply, young adults are charged with navigating health systems alone while being the most underinsured group in the country. In a healthcare system where Black women+ are constantly faced with biased and inadequate care, Shades of Strength provides a vital community based service. Black women+ whose lives are touched by suicide–whether they experience suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, or have someone in their life who has attempted or completed suicide–do not have programs that center our experiences and allow us to embrace our stories without the expectation of “fixing” ourselves or others.

 Who do we serve 

 The Program 

  • Zoom support groups the first Tuesday of the month

  • 7:00pm to 8:00pm EST via Zoom

  • Free of cost to all participants

  • Designed for Black women+ between the ages of 18 to 35 who are or have struggled with suicidality, support someone else, or have lost someone to suicide

  • Led by Black women+

  • No specific medical therapy or treatment is endorsed

  • Non-judgemental and confidential

  • Come to one session or come to them all

  • Come as you are, take what you need, give what you can